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At Wisborough Green Primary School, we want to stimulate all children’s interest, understanding and curiosity about life and events in the past, appreciating how things have changed over time and identifying legacies. Through learning about local, British and ancient history in the wider world, children will develop a wider understanding of their historical heritage.  

We want children to become historians and even future archivists, museum curators or archaeologists, through:  

  • Asking and answering questions
  • Considering evidence
  • Comparing different periods
  • Using historical sources
  • Using historical vocabulary
  • Developing an understanding of chronology.

These historical skills help children to develop their own understanding of the past and how it has helped to form their present and even their future. 

At Wisborough Green Primary School we know that History is a subject that sparks the curiosity and excitement of many of our pupils, and so we use it as a driver for many of our cross-curricular topics – from early changes in Stone-Age to Iron-Age Britain and other influential civilisations such as the Ancient Greeks and Romans, all the way to the adventures and contributions of people such as Jemison, Mandela and even children’s own grandparents. Learning is immersive and brought to life for the pupils, through local knowledge, enquiry and hands-on discovery.  

Children start to distinguish between past and present in Early Years, considering some similarities and differences between things in the past and now. They draw on their own experiences and talk about the lives of people around them. Children’s understanding of the past is developed through settings, characters and events encountered in books read in class. 

Our whole-school themes taught on a two-year rolling programme provide opportunities to revisit and reinforce previous learning and to identify key objectives of the curriculum, such as trends, continuities and change. By gradually studying key concepts in more depth and linking the topics together, we aim to reinforce learning in a way that creates a ‘bigger picture’ rather than a list of isolated facts.  


Time Riders 

Extreme Survival 

Your Majesty 

Far Away and Long Ago 

Ingenious Engineering 

Wild Wisborough 

Key Stage 1 

Significant global events and individuals: Space explorers 

Events beyond living memory; the lives of significant individuals: Shackleton’s expedition to the South Pole 

The lives of significant individuals: Queen Elizabeth II and Queen Victoria 

Significant people and places in their own locality: Arundel Castle and St Mary Magdalene’s Church 

Significant historical places in their own locality: St Peter ad Vincula Church 

Lower Key Stage 2 

Changes in Britain: Stone Age to Iron Age 


A thematic study beyond 1066: the changing power of monarchs 

Impact of the Roman Empire on Britain 

Achievements of the earliest civilisations with a depth study of Ancient Egypt 

Local history study: Wisborough Green Primary School 

Upper Key Stage 2 

Britain’s settlement by Anglo-Saxons and Scots 


A contrasting non-European society: Benin 

Ancient Greece: Greek life and achievements and their influence on the western world 

A focus study of British history: the Titanic 

Local history study: how aspects of national history are reflected in the locality 

If you want to explore any of this History learning more at home, check out the fun-filled links below! 


Eco Schools Green FlagWoodland Trust Gold AwardGold 34-34Music MarkHealthy SchoolsMusic MemberAlbion in the CommunityUniversity of SussexUniversity of Chichester