Lockdown Learning Parent Survey - please give us your feedback
Wisborough Green has been selected to take part in a national survey led by the Education Endowment Fund (EEF), an independent charity established to improve educational attainment and to support teachers and senior leaders by providing evidence-based resources to improve practice and boost learning. The focus of this survey is how children are learning at home and the impact lockdown-learning is having on family life.
If you would like to take part, please click on the link below for details of how to download the app.
They will ask you a few questions each day and show you see how other parents are coping in lockdown. In return, you may win a Chromebook in the national weekly draw or a £30 Amazon voucher for the school. If 60 or more parents answer each day, we will be provided with an overview of the total responses. We are really interested to hear your views, so please do take part if you have time. It is completely voluntary, but this is a great time to share your opinions, not just with us but with other parents and with the people who make decisions about education in England.
To help us do this, we would like you to download and use a free survey app called Parent Ping: https://bit.ly/parentping. When you first sign in to the app it will ask you the school name Wisborough Green Primary School and for the first part of the postcode RH14 0EE. Please do this carefully so we can make sure all your answers are included!
If you would like to know more about the project, please see https://parentping.co.uk/bigsurvey/