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In Year 3, children learn about the core beliefs, ideas and symbols of Islam as part of their RE curriculum. On 7th February they visited Horsham Mosque to learn more about the traditions and customs and to deepen their understanding by experiencing another culture first-hand. Everyone came back full of information to share!

Horsham Mosque is situated in an old house and only has room for men and boys to worship.  Year 3 visited the classroom on the first floor where the boys learn about the Quran from the age of 7.  They also saw the wash room where the men and boys clean themselves before their worship.  There are lines across the carpet that show people where they needs to sit: this means that they have enough space when they are bowing and don't knock into each other.  They learnt all about what happens to a Muslim child the whole way through their lives from being born to when they die.  The children really enjoyed looking at lots of different types of Quran and discovered why there are different ones.  They learnt that the Mosque has a system that sends out the call to prayer to everyone in the congregation - 5 times a day! 

Eco Schools Green FlagWoodland Trust Gold AwardGold 22-23Music MarkHealthy SchoolsMusic MemberAlbion in the CommunityUniversity of SussexUniversity of Chichester