At Wisborough Green Primary School, we link our teaching of languages to children’s knowledge and understanding of the world and other cultures.
Our key aims for Languages are:
- To develop our pupils as global citizens, appreciating the languages and cultures of countries other than their own.
- To encourage them to experiment with common foreign languages, which they may use in real life contexts such as holidays or school trips.
- To learn and practise the skills associated with language learning.
Across the school, children take part in celebrations of language, including our school partnership projects through E-Twinning, European Day of Languages, and the learning of songs and stories from different cultures and countries.
Within Key Stage 2, pupils learn German and French as key languages, German in years 3 and 4, and French in years 5 and 6.
They may also learn additional languages that may be relevant to any specific topic learning, for example Greek or Latin when learning about Ancient Civilisations.
By exposing children to a wide range of languages, we aim to encourage a love of language, and provide purposeful familiarity with foreign languages when they transition to Secondary Schools, or in their potential holiday travels.