Ambassadors Church Visit
Ambassadors Church Visit
Ambassadors Church Visit
Years 1 and 2 performed for their parents in our music assembly.
They showed off what they had learnt through singing, drumming and recorder playing.
The children all wore odd socks to celebrate anti-bullying week.
Children from KS2 enjoyed taking part in The Weald Cross Country competition.
The children worked hard in their colour teams to make an eco-friendly guy.
Bonfire Night and Fireworks!!!
Year 4 enjoyed an afternoon of multi-sports at The Weald.
New Entrants Welcome Meetings for EYFS 2020
Our ambassadors helped to share our harvest offerings with the parents, after our harvest festival in the church led by KS1.
New Play House
The children all dressed up in red, white and blue to celebrate democracy day.
New Entrants Welcome Meetings for EYFS 2020